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Tag: bluff

Articles tagged as Bluff

Best Online Poker Strategy: Play Patiently at the Table

Posted on April 6, 2024 by Frances Cusumano
A common error created by many novice (and a shockingly high quantity of those who ought to know better) players is feeling the necessity to participate on every hand dealt.An effective player only plays 20-30% of dealt hands.Similar to a specialist baseball player who's in a position to sign a multimillion dollar contract by maintaining a batting average of.300, the successful poker player knows that most enough time another player will leave with the pot...

Winning Poker Strategy: Perfecting Your Poker Bluff

Posted on February 15, 2024 by Frances Cusumano
Everyone does it but hardly any take action well.The poker bluff is really a refined skill, a thing that can tilt a casino game on your side if used sparingly and at the proper time.In order to understand when may be the right time and energy to use your bluff we first need to study the behavior of another players in the overall game.It is very important understand the betting habits of these at the table with you to be able to execute a well timed bluff...

Online Poker Strategy Tip: The Art of Folding the Cards

Posted on December 9, 2023 by Frances Cusumano
While many players spend hour perfecting their bluffing skills and understanding how to search for tells in other players, the art of folding is frequently overlooked.Contrary to popular belief, you'll be able to fold every hand and result in the very best 50% in virtually any given internet poker tournament! Human nature makes a lot of us believe that another players at the table are bluffing and your Ace/King draw will do to win you the big pot however the art of folding is founded on smart, conservative play...