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Tag: skills

Articles tagged as Skills

Online Poker Strategy Tip: The Art of Folding the Cards

Posted on December 9, 2023 by Frances Cusumano
While many players spend hour perfecting their bluffing skills and understanding how to search for tells in other players, the art of folding is frequently overlooked.Contrary to popular belief, you'll be able to fold every hand and result in the very best 50% in virtually any given internet poker tournament! Human nature makes a lot of us believe that another players at the table are bluffing and your Ace/King draw will do to win you the big pot however the art of folding is founded on smart, conservative play...

Gaming Winners

Posted on June 17, 2022 by Frances Cusumano
Before you plan a trip to Las Vegas or Atlantic City or going on a cruise with legalized Gambling, certain things you must know of, and the most important one being How To Win.Gamble is all about taking a calculated risk, using your skills combined with a strategy and finally one thing that all of us want, luck.The first and the foremost thing, quite undeniably is the way to play the game.An individual needs to understand the intricacies of the sport, like how the bets are made, rules and winning chances...